

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gender Reveal Mini Session Special

For the whole month of July, I will be having a Gender Reveal Special!!! This is perfect for mother's to be who want to have a little fun with their pregnancy and let people know in a fun way what they are having! These sessions will only be 30 minutes long, which in this Texas heat is perfect for mom! This session includes a mini accordion book with images, two 8x10's and 10 images sent to you via!

This special will be going on for the entire month of July! Even if you are not due any time soon or don't know what you are having, that's okay! The session just needs to be booked and the deposit paid in July! ;) 

I look forward to meeting all you new mommies!! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sunflower Field Session & My Trick To Taking Children's Photos

I have been wanting to take the girls out for a photo shoot for a while. Before I became a photographer I use to set up all most monthly sessions for them with my family photographer. It was so much fun, getting their outfits together, fixing their hair, painting their nails. So when I became a photographer I remember telling myself "OMG, I'm going to be able to do themed photo shoots with the girls ALL the time, and it's going to be SOO much fun!" Negative. But that wasn't going to stop me from trying. I just had to get a groove with my kids. Isabel is pretty much a breeze to take pictures of. Sophia on the other hand....

As soon as I take the girls out to a spot for photos and position them into the very first pose, Sophia always says "I'm ready to go home" or "Mommy I want purple candy" or "I DON'T WANT TO TAKE PICTURES!!" (insert eye rolls here) So last night after telling her we will go out and get yogurt, ice cream with purple lollipops (& giving her a dollar she found at the bottom of my purse) we were ready to go!

Doesn't that look like the face of someone ready to take some pretty pictures. :0) She's got that wink down.

Now I know I can't bribe other peoples kids with candy and ice cream. ;) So this is my trick to taking children's photos.

At a lot of my sessions with children, when they are being fussy or just don't want to get their pictures taken, the parent's will often apologize to me. I always tell them that it is okay, and that with kids it's bound to happen, but we will work through it. And if I absolutely have to, I will tell the parent to have a seat or stay a little behind in the distance. When it's just me and the kids and we can talk and have a fun conversation without the parents around, they loosen up a bit. This is how I like to get those adorable little smiles looking straight into the camera! 

I always start the session off with these kind of photos. I like to get the kids comfortable around me, and talking to them and getting them to giggle a little or play peek a boo with me, always makes them forget that I am taking their pictures.

So after that is over and the kids and are are BFF's, I move on to the fun stuff! I {LOVE} candids. I love capturing the natural impressions of children. These are the photos you go back and look at and can see time frozen in their smiles, you can feel the wonderfulness of each kid shining out. Getting candid's is sometimes difficult, but if you aren't afraid of being absolutely ridiculously crazy, it should be a breeze. I will sing a song, dance around, play peek a boo (I bring that one out a lot, because it always works. With every peek, I have a different goofy face), or tell a joke {I really need to work on these. lol} I may have to add some jokes notes on my ipad for the older kids.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures from my sunflower field session with my little ones. And I hoped I helped with getting pictures of your little ones. And for my clients, now you know that I too have the same problem with my kids. ;)


Friday, June 7, 2013

Inspiration Through Art & Malachi

I woke up this morning, a little later than usual because school's out!! And I didn't have to drive my daughter to school!!! Yay for sleeping in! Sorry... I was a little too excited about that. So I woke up, grabbed a bottle of water and hit my couch. Ipad, Iphone, and Macbook in hand. Since the kids were upstairs sleeping still, I got to turn on the news channel while I sat on the couch and read emails, add sessions to my planner, and browsed through Facebook.

So as I opened emails and started to work, I saw this!!
**PLEASE NOTE- This is very personal, so I wanted to let you know in advance as to not shock anyone**

Before I continue with this story I want to you back a couple of years. This is my stepson Malachi. When he was 1, he had to have a heart transplant. Ever since then he has been taking special medication, visiting the hospital regularly for check ups and such. But in July 2008, Malachi got sick and we had to rush him to the hospital. 

Before I start telling this story I just wanted to add something in. When people find out about him, they often whisper to me and ask what happened, because they feel like talking about it will upset Ray or it's probably something he doesn't want to talk about. But it's not. As hard as all of this was on us, even though it's hard for us to talk about. Getting his story out there means more people know about him. If we never brought him up, people wouldn't know that Sophia & Isabel have a brother. And they wouldn't know he existed. And that's not what we want. We want people to remember him. We want people to know the girls have a big brother. If you ask Sophia who Malachi is, she will say "My brother". We even got Ray a build a bear for Father's Day and named him Malachi & Sophia takes him everywhere. We want him to be remembered, not forgotten. So even though talking about him means we have to talk about the bad, we also get to talk about the good. And that's what counts.

So back to the story,

We spent a day out with the family swimming all day. Once we left Malachi started complaining about his stomach hurting. We stopped and got him medicine and took him home so he could rest. After hours of laying down with stomach pains, and endless calls to his heart transplant coordinator, we finally just picked him up and put him in the car. Sitting in the car with Malachi on my lap we rushed to the hospital. I had my one hand on his head and one hand on his heart as I talked to him. Half way there, I felt him take a BIG, HUGE breath....and I didn't feel him take another one. I panicked... Ray told me to give him CPR. I started giving him CPR as Ray started speeding to get to the hospital. Once we got there he grabbed him and ran to the E.R. doors and banged on them so hard I thought the doors would break. They took him in and I met Ray in the hospital, were we spent the next week...Family & friends stayed there with us all week as we waited for him to wake up. Waited for him to get better. But it didn't happen. After a week of him getting worst, the doctors finally told Ray there was nothing more they could do. Everything was shutting down. So Ray made the heartbreaking decision to turn off his life support. 

Ray had told me that they have been in and out of the hospital all his life. They stayed in the Ronald McDonald house of Charity for a while. They've been through a lot and a big chunk of Malachi's life was spent in hospitals. So after his death I wanted to do something for him. I wanted to do something because of him. So every year on his birthday, we send out invitations with a list of toys and items our local Children's Medical Center needs for the kids who can't leave the hospital. We take everything to the hospital and fill out the forms with Malachi's name. So when we get the Thank you letter it says "Thank you Malachi" 

But I wanted to do more. 

I just recently found out about Inspiration Through Art. And knew I wanted to be apart of it. So after filling out my paperwork, I received my "approved" email letter this morning! This means the world to me. We don't have many pictures with Malachi besides pictures just snapped of him. I really wish we would have had family photos, or even more photos of him. You can never have too many. So knowing that I can help other families stop and remember the importance of memories like this makes me feel like I am doing something worth while. 

"Our mission at Inspiration Through Art is to help provide and capture memories for families who are dealing with hectic schedules due to having a child who is suffering from a serious illness or life altering disability. We are here to offer emotional support through the beauty and expression art has to offer, as a way of healing and coping. We understand that in the midst of being thrown a diagnosis and having and having to switch from a "normal" life to a life that is totally different, and often scary, things like getting photos taken is sometimes a huge challenge and is one of the last things families are thinking about. But when everything is done, and either the child has reached the end of their battle, or has proven the odds against it many wish they had more time to stop, and capture the journey that they lived through for so long."

In Memory Of Malachi Christian Arbaiza
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