

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Spinach & Cheese Crescents

 So while I was visiting my mom a couple of weeks ago, she was making pig-n-a-blanket for breakfast. My mom and I are one in the same, and would much rather make our own...anything rather than store buy it. Plus pigs-n-a-blanket made from home are SOOO much better than the donut store type. So as she was making a couple of batches in her toaster oven, which I might add she found at the thrift store for around $15!... {yeah I know I'm still waiting for her to find me one, but she did find me a kitchen-aid mixer for $35! But I'll save that for another post} We were chatting and munching down on a butt load of these. I've made them before, but I guess I forgot how great they were. So I thought I would start making them at home for the kids and the mister. I could make 2 crescent cans at a time and put them in the fridge for them to heat up and eat on the way to work and school. 

Let me just tell you now....2 cans makes 16 pigs-n-a-blanket
Once they are made and put on the table there is NEVER any left to put away... -.-

So I started making these almost every couple of days, and yes I ate them as well. But I didn't like to eat so many of them. I love pigs-n-a-blanket, but I wanted something a little {and I emphasize -little-} better for me. So i went searching and found spinach crescents on Pinterest! These are so yummy and so super simple to make. I've made these for a couple of friends and they really like it so I figured I would give everyone the "recipe" If you like spinach {and cheese, who doesn't love cheese?!??} you will LOVE these!

Pillsbury Crescent Rolls- (I've used the cheaper store version and they suck. They don't pull apart as easily so you will have a big blob of dough you will have to cut yourself)
Mozzarella Cheese
Feta Cheese

 Side Note:Please excuse my lack of space. I have such a tiny kitchen, but I refuse to let that stop me from attempting to make masterpieces in the kitchen!

 I normally take a fork and just scrape into the feta to make big crumbles. This way all I have to do is grab a piece or two, plus I don't make a mess or dirty a bowl because the cheese stays in the same container.

 Okay so there are a couple of ways you can use the mozzarella.
1.) buy pre-shredded 
2.) buy block mozzarella & shred yourself which is always better taste wise
3.) be ghetto like me and just cut it with a knife into thin slices.

The first time I made this I used the per-shredded and it was way to messy for me. When you roll it up the cheese gets all over the place and that bugs the crap out of me. I was going to shred the block cheese anyways, but I forgot I 'm not smart enough to buy a grater. I keep thinking I have one, so I forget to buy one. So plan 'C' came into place and I actually prefer it. I cut the mozzarella into thin slices and when its rolled it stays put!

So you start with crescent, place a big heaping pile of spinach, then put mozzarella and feta on top.

If you want to make these a little healthier, you can always do squats while you're making them. ;0)

Then you just roll it.

And place them on a baking pan. I would recommend using parchment paper instead of aluminum foil, but again my forgetful brain comes into play and I ALWAYS forget to buy parchment paper. 
{and I bake a lot, you think I would remember I always need it....?}

 Can you tell how hungry I was getting while I made these? The ones on the left are WAY bigger than the ones on the right... lol

 I use the crescent roll instructions when baking, so:
preheat the oven at 375 and cook these for about 10-12 minutes

now, just to let you know, mine are very flat. I was making Sophie turkey bacon and eggs while I was trying to get these ready so my crescent dough was sitting out getting warm. I would grab the dough out of the fridge right when you are ready to wrap them so that the dough stays firm and fluffy.
When the mozzarella melts it dries up a bit, but the feta melts and stays gooey and thats what makes theses amazing! The mixture of both cheeses together is the bees knees.

Doesn't that look good!

it was.... ;)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

No two are the same...

I was browsing the internet the other night {most likely around 2 am} when I stumbled across this image on Pinterest. Considering I am still in my first year and still learning a butt load. This picture was so fascinating to me! Especially since I sometimes {all the time} spend a little more {way more} time than needed editing my work, because I am constantly critiquing my work. This picture gave me a lot to think about and helped me realize that my work is my work. Even if another photographer physically handed me all the tools and tricks I needed to make my business just like theirs {and honestly what fun would that be?!} I wouldn't want that. I love the way I'm building my brand and becoming my own photographer.

Story line: Michele Anderson is a Child & Family Photographer located in Austin, Texas. She sent the exact same image out to 36 different photographers to edit as there own. It is so amazing to see how different one image can change with different points of view. There are so many different kinds of software, actions, presets, brushes...ect. for photographers to use. Cameras, lenses, filters....okay sorry. I could go on forever. :0)

I'll shut up so you can actually see what I'm talking about now.
So this was the image. 
Tote's Cute right?!

These are the 36 different images.

No two are the same. But every image looks amazing in its own way. {Did you notice, no one edited it in B&W?} =( 

Love me some B&W! :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Upgrading you photo session! {makeup artist style}

"Hi Nedda!" 
Isn't she just simply beautiful! She is a mommy of almost 2, and an amazing makeup artist in the DFW area. And now I am lucky enough to have her team up with me! With any session you purchase, you will be able to upgrade your session to include full on makeup! Whether you are wanting to have an absolutely glamorous session, have her do you makeup for your maternity session or newborn session {for the pictures you are in with baby} or if you would just like some basic makeup to bring out your natural beauty, she can do it! And she is the best at it! I look forward to this new partnership and I know that you ladies will just LOVE Nedda! I can't wait to start planning a boudoir mini session soon!!

Here is some of her work. Enjoy!

Here is a list of sessions you can add Nedda to if you would like:
Basic Portrait
If there is any other kind of session you may want, and are wanting to book Nedda just let us know!

And don't forget to follow Nedda on Facebook!

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